伦理电影 抬头看天的懦夫 第0集


YukiTanada HideyukiHukuharaKunihikoKodamaGenSatoToshikiKimuraKazuoKato 伦理电影 日本 2012 查看整部剧情
Life is about to take a drastic turn for Anzu (Tomoko Tabata), a typical bored housewife who desperately tries to have a baby to resurrect her dying marriage and appease a less-than-amiable mother-in-law. A random encounter with high school boy Takumi (Kento Nagayama) at an event for anime fans leads to torrid sex and a deliciously illicit affair at the conjugal home. Her husband begins to notice and soon, a video of the adulterous couple having sex finds its way onto the internet. Hilarity does not ensue. 家里经营助产医院的齐藤卓巳(永山绚斗 饰)原本是一名无忧无虑的高中生,这一天他受朋友邀请参加了某动画同人志的销售活动,并在活动中结识了热爱动漫的家庭主妇冈本里美(田畑智子 饰),卓巳的人生彻底发生改变。里美盛邀卓巳回自己家中做客,她让男孩Cosplay其所喜欢的角色,两人由此演变成一段不伦之恋。这段隐秘关系维持了相 当长一段时间,直到卓巳的同班同学松永七菜(田中美晴 饰)向他表白,他才下决心与里美断掉联系......